Thursday, May 27, 2010

From the!

You might be asking yourself, engage with what? The answers seem unlimited: with yourself, with others, your body, your breath, your community, your environment, your questions or controversies... yes the list is endless, but it must start somewhere. So I invite you to engage in this inquiry begining with the self, your very own self; a self that is sometimes shared, sometimes not, sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes complex or maybe simple, yet none of these are mutually exclusive. We are not dual beings and do not need to live a life limited by duality or preconceived judgements about these labels. Can you engage with your multi dimesionality? There are many ways to do this and I think we all do it with out awareness, but what if we did it with awareness and possible intention?

1 comment:

  1. We limit ourselves...there is no one else to blame, period. Letting go and living into life is where I try to begin...every day....over and over...and hopefully, as long as I live I'll continue to do the same, over and over, one day at a lovingly and as openly as possible. I don't always succeed but I come back and begin again.
